PaintCare sites accept house paint as well as primers, stains, sealers, and clear coatings such as shellac and varnish. Accepted products, also referred to as “PaintCare products” and “architectural coatings,” are the same ones that carry the PaintCare fee when purchased. PaintCare sites do not accept aerosol coatings, solvents, and products designed and labeled to be used for industrial or non-architectural use. To be accepted for drop-off, PaintCare products must be in their original containers of no larger than 5 gallons in size, must have the original manufacturer’s printed label on the container, and must be covered with a secured lid. We cannot accept open or leaking cans. Please review the detailed list below of PaintCare products and non-PaintCare products.
The following are PaintCare products included in the program. When purchased, the PaintCare fee is applied. These products are accepted at no additional cost when dropped off at PaintCare’s participating drop-off sites.
Interior and exterior architectural paints: latex, acrylic, water-based, alkyd, oil-based, enamel (including textured coatings)
Deck coatings, floor paints (including elastomeric)
Primers, sealers, undercoaters
Shellacs, lacquers, varnishes, urethanes (single component)
Waterproofing concrete/masonry/wood sealers and repellents (not tar or bitumen-based)
Metal coatings, rust preventatives
Field and lawn paints
Not Accepted
The following are non-PaintCare products and are not included in the program. When purchased, the PaintCare fee is not applied. They are not accepted at PaintCare’s participating drop-off sites.
Paint thinners, mineral spirits, solvents
Aerosol coatings
Auto and marine paints
Art and craft paints
Caulking compounds, epoxies, glues, adhesives
Paint additives, colorants, tints, resins
Wood preservatives (containing pesticides)
Roof patch and repair
Asphalt, tar and bitumen-based products
2-component coatings
Deck cleaners
Traffic and road marking paints
Industrial Maintenance (IM) coatings
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) (shop application) paints and finishes
Please Note: Containers that are leaking, empty, or without the original printed manufacturer’s label are not accepted at drop-off sites.
PaintCare Fee Information: www.paintcare.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/xx-factsheet-retailer-fee.pdf